Astrological Psychology

Astrological Psychology provides the key to a new holistic interpretation of the horoscope. It combines the best of traditional astrological knowledge with modern growth psychology, providing a powerful tool for self understanding and psychological and spiritual growth.

Astrological Psychology helps you recognize, accept and express the fullness of who you are becoming……

Personal development
Discover your potential, your possibilities, the wholeness of “you”

Find support and clarity in your personal relationships.

Raising Children
Understand what motivates and inspires your children to become the best version of themselves. Discover how your approach to parenting can support and guide your children on their own unique trajectory.

Life Transitions
Opportunities for growth allow us to evolve. Discover how life changing events guide you in becoming your best Self by you tapping into your inner system of guidance and strength.

Purpose and Meaning
Is your life fulfilling? Or do you feel blocked from living the life you desire?

About Astrological Psychology - the Huber Method

Astrological Psychology (AP) is a branch of psychology which uses astrology as a diagnostic tool. It is primarily based on the insights of depth psychology, but also on humanistic and transpersonal psychology. In concept, it is closest to Roberto Assagioli's Psychosynthesis, and starts from the concept of a living, self-regulating and inherently healthy being and not, like most psychologies, from the standpoint of pathology.

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Comparing Classical Psychology to Astrological Psychology (AP)

Classical Astrology, deterministic in nature, is based on a more predictive model of analysis and as practiced by most astrologers, implies an individual study of aspects, planets in signs and house and sign rulerships,- in isolation. Like trying to put together a puzzle without seeing the big picture on the box, it's difficult to see how the pieces fit together.

Astrological Psychology (AP) is interested in the whole picture - in other words, the whole person, and looks at how that person can begin to integrate the different parts of their personality and overcome the inner conflicts and blocks which may prevent them from realizing their full potential. AP understands that we are born with a unique and intricate system of energies designed to develop our spirit and to assist us in fulfilling our purpose in present-time life. Furthermore, it appreciates the profound implications of the mutual exchange of energy we share with others and our natural environment. Most importantly, AP sees us in the drivers seat of our lives and not as a victim of our circumstances. It is the state of our inner being which determines the nature of our reality, how the available energies affect us, which external events make an impression on us and how we experience them.

Happy family jumping